Carrie’s Weekly News: All about my book

Hey, Reader, check out these early reader reviews:

“Where was this book when I started my doula business? Even as an experienced doula, this book offers insight to more than just taking a class and hanging out your shingle. So You Want to Be a Doula is eye opening! Who knew there were so many doula roles? Evidently Carrie does and she brings her years of experience to this book. The easy-to-use tools in this book provide an invaluable look into the doula world; helping you understand the different roles, financial commitment and time commitment, and how that impacts a doula’s overall lifestyle. [...] This book has tools that will save a new doula hours of internet surfing and frustration in starting their business. Every aspect of being a doula is touched on in So You Want to be A Doula. Bravo to you Carrie for pulling everything together for the new doula.”
— Jennifer Hirayama, retired doula
“This is an excellent read. Very “to the point” while taking you there with concise clarity. I loved how every chapter added to the information from the previous chapter. A very clear pathway, beginning with the mustard seed of “being an advocate” all the way to building a successful business with endless possibilities to thrive. I appreciated the breakdown of the different doula pathways. Providing evidence-based support with an empathetic lens is not only for the birth community or for end of life services; there are so many ways DOULAS can support our communities.”
— Makeda (Akoma) Robinson, House of Akoma Holistic Services
“Carrie Kenner is a font of wisdom and a beacon for authenticity. So You Want to Be a Doula helps anyone hearing the call to become a doula to step forward on their path with deep discernment, a solid reality check, and full preparation for the juicy self-transformation that takes place on this journey. Just in time, Carrie's decades of experience, through an era of ongoing radical evolution in the field, poises her to offer this conscious, intellectual, and spiritual perspective imbued throughout her book. It is the manual I can only wish was available when I started to follow my own calling. [...] Discover in these pages the specific and even unexpected roles you can fill as a doula. With this book, readers will find an informed, affirming, and wholly inclusive handbook for a strong start and expansive outlook; a profound inspiration for the significant ways their work will change the world for the better; and a gleaming celebration of being oneself.”
— Veronica Malki, retired doula
So You Want to Be a Doula will set you on the correct path for your life's work to becoming the supportive guide for anyone in your communities. This guide is a must have and very easy to follow and to gain clarity on your next steps to becoming the type of doula that fits your strengths. Keep it close at hand.”— Lisa A. M. Tankersley, Relationship Coach

Yep, it’s available now!

Writing this book has been really empowering.

Like growing a baby, it started with the germ of an idea. From this idea, I fastened words to concepts to bring them to life. Then I nurtured it with my passion and wisdom. And as babies are wont to do, it took on a life of its own.

Turns out it didn’t want to be just a book describing what birth, postpartum, and death doulas do. It wanted to talk about doulas in over 20 different roles. And how to help readers find the right role for them. Then the best training. And then how to turn it all into a sustainable business.

With the help of an editor and a few friends as reviewers, it turned into a finished manuscript.

But a manuscript is like a full-term baby; it still has to be born.

So I had to learn how to bring my book into the world. I found a cover designer and an interior designer. While they toiled away with my dozens of revisions, I took on the painstaking tasks of getting ISBN numbers, library of Congress data, writing bios and dedications and descriptions, uploading files to Amazon and book distributors, crossing my fingers I wouldn’t get the dreaded error messages. And after what feels like 6 weeks of pushing, I am incredibly proud to share it with the world.

What started out as an idea for “a little e-book about 3 kinds of doulas“ has become a treatise on how I think we can heal this country and the world. I had no idea how important that would be given the election results. This is my work to counteract the oppressive forces of misogyny and patriarchy.

If you want to write a book like I did, registration is now open for Books with Purpose: Creating Visibility to Elevate Your Expertise, a 12-month non-fiction writing coaching program to take your book from concept to finished manuscript.

Get more information and apply here

Schedule a free application consultation this week and receive a 15% discount on the program.

What I'm listening to, reading, and watching:

From the Skin of Things to the Bone of Things - Báyò Akómoláfe. An interview where this brilliant man discusses agency, accountability, solidarity, postactivism, minor gestures, systemic transformations, and how to answer that perennial question: what do I do with all of this? On YouTube.

So You Want to Be a Doula. Carrie Kenner.

Shrinking — Kinda how you want your therapist and friends to be. Quirky, funny, poignant. On Apple TV+. (Don’t have Apple TV+? Get the 7-day free trial and binge it!)

What are you listening to, reading, or watching that you think I’d like? Reply and let me know.

Let me know if there's anything special you'd like to hear about in the coming weeks. Just reply and I'm on it!

Thanks for reading,



So You Want to Be a Doula


See all past issues

P.S. I’m trying something new: collaborating with other business owners to offer more options to my list. Many of the folks on my list don’t need what I offer anymore, so I’m working with other businesses to bring in content that will be of more interest. I’m going to be doing more collaborating in 2025. To start off, this week it’s The New Year, New Career bundle (available only Dec 2-9)..

▶ More than $700 worth of premium job search and career boosting resources – all available for FREE!

▶ Everything you need to craft your ideal career in 2025.

▶ It includes my So You Want to Be a Doula Workbook if you want to explore a dozen different doula roles.

Carrie Kenner

Interested in birth, becoming a doula, marketing your birth-related business, or what keeps a person (me) motivated and engaged in this work for over 20 years? Join me for weekly musings on birth, ponderings on life, sales on courses, and whatever if feeding my fire at the time.

Read more from Carrie Kenner

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